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FAME: Funding Access to Music Education

FAME: Funding Access to Music Education

4 Supporters
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Our Project Purpose

The purpose of this project is to provide funding for MSU music students to attend conferences, masterclasses, and other professional events relevant to their studies.

How Your Gift Helps

This is a project to benefit our students, which is our number 1 goal as educators. Our students are often given amazing opportunities to perform and present at music conferences throughout the country and beyond. However, there is currently no funding mechanism in place to help them with the costs of attending these professional events (registration, travel, etc.). We hope to be able to help them by providing mini-grants to offset the costs of attending these conferences.

The Impact of Your Generosity

Your support will impact our music students directly by allowing them the opportunity to attend professional events that will expand their musical horizons and offer them the opportunity to perform and present on regional, national, and international stages. These activities are important in the development of young musicians and are helpful to them in establishing relationships that can lead to job opportunities, graduate study, and more.

For More Information, Please Contact:

Craig Aarhus


Thanks To Our Recent Donors!